Sarma (rolled) Pestil (Hazelnuts , Pistachio , Coconuts , Kadayif)
Sarma (rolled) Pestil (Hazelnuts , Pistachio , Coconuts , Kadayif)
it comes with 4 different types < choos e one of them : plain , with cooconuts , with Pistachio and with Kadayif.
Sarma (rolled) Pestil (Hazelnuts , Pistachio , Coconuts , Kadayif) : The fruit pulp wrap, which
is born from the unique taste of Giresun hazelnuts, is one of the most special snacks that once tasted it.
it is a great option for those looking for a light dessert wich you can consume at any time of the day, is that it is one of the favorite flavors of everyone from 7 to 70. Do not miss out on this unique dessert prepared with the local fruit pulp flavor of Turkey.
The meeting of the specially cut fruit pulp roll with priority and honey on it and hazelnut paste gives this flavor a completely different form. The honey and hazelnut paste in it crowns the taste of the fruit pulp.