sahimerdan Vplis
sahimerdan Vplis
This product will be effective in your body for 48 hours. It is suitable for use in daily sexual situations and can also be used to treat your sexual problems.
Both men and women can use the Sahimerdan Vplis. The strength pastes created with the components it contains should be used as much as a teaspoon once a day. It is recommended to use on a full stomach. So we recommend the use of the so-called extent.You can use Sahimerdan Vplis daily. Mix the paste well before use. One dessert spoon every morning. If you have a headache, do not panic, Mesir paste with Epimedium is natural food. Just reduce the dosage of paste. So you can find an effective and suitable dosage for yourself. If you want to use it for a special moment, please use it 1 dessert spoon 2 hours ago before action.