Dried Papaya
Dried Papaya
Because papaya is an energizing food, it is an excellent source of strength for developing children, pregnant and lactating women.
It is very rich in iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus minerals, vitamins A, B1, B2, C and carotene
(carotene – a protective substance against cancer).
Because papaya is an energizing food, it is an excellent source of strength for developing children, pregnant and lactating women.
In addition, this enzyme called “papain” in papaya helps digest the protein in food and is a very effective substance, especially in case of a lack of gastric juice or a lot of unhealthy fluid in the stomach.
If eaten regularly, it is good for constipation, bleeding hemorrhoids and chronic diarrhea.
Dried Papaya reduces the risk of colon cancer and cervix cancer.
It is better to take it with fatty foods or a normal meal, than to eat it alone,
for the best intake of beta chyriptoxanthin in the body.
The liquid of papaya is cosmetically good for freckles and brown spots caused by sun exposure and provides a smooth appearance to the skin.