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Kayla Gurme

Kayla Gurme Apple Tea (250 gr | 1000gr)

Kayla Gurme Apple Tea (250 gr | 1000gr)

Regular price $9.00 USD
Regular price $16.90 USD Sale price $9.00 USD
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2 dessert spoon apple tea is mixed with a cup of hot water and consumed. There is no need to add extra sugar.

Kayla Gurme Apple Tea : Apple is a type of fruit that has great effects on human health

with its ability to grow easily in various and different climatic conditions,

its richness in minerals such as iron and potassium, as well as the main

vitamins A, C and B group, and its fibrous structure. However, because the apple is approximately 88% water, when it is dried and eaten, it is not only possible to preserve the apple for a long time, but also to take the vitamins and minerals in it in a more concentrated form.

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